Huancayo, or Life in a Central Highlands Town

Huancayo: a town with a population of 400,000, and located at an altitude of 3244m above sea level. A place described by Lonely Planet as giving the traveller “the impression of arriving in some Wild West frontier town. Tumbledown outer suburbs, dusty, chaotic streets, people wandering seemingly at random and all around the mountains rise […]

20 things that happen on buses in Peru

I know, 20 seems a lot, doesn’t it? But the thing is, I’ve spent a lot of time on buses here. Of the last 48 hours, over 30 involved me sat on a bus (I know, I know: when I told the woman at the travel agency that I’ve arranged my time here in Huancayo […]

Ten things that happen when you go to a show in Peru

I know, I know… It’s been a while, so long that I’m now in a different country… But I blame South American internet, and too much time exploring and eating cake to write about it. Anyway, I’m back (at least for now!) and here with yet more observations of the oddities of life. You see, […]

Ten weird things that happened in Chile

So, here’s the thing. I am and always have been a little bit scared of random patriotism. I blame my dad, since when we used to watch sports on TV, he’d make me root for the athlete/ team from the country I’d never heard of, and we’d desperately hope that Britain would drop the baton, […]

Ten things you notice at the supermarket in La Paz

This may not sound like the most promising of blog topics. But trust me, everything over here is a little bit crazy, and so going to buy some food can become a bit of an adventure. Especially when you go with certain ingredients in mind… 10. As soon as you walk in the door (or […]

Alasitas, artesanías and api

As anyone who’s ever met me or read anything on this blog probably knows, I love markets. Any kind of markets: food, craft, Christmas… And La Paz, with it’s streets behind the plaza San Francisco full of stalls selling alpaca jumpers, alpaca gloves, alpaca hats, small fluffy alpacas (seeing a theme here?) etc is amazing […]

German cheesecake, or, why do they even bother giving out the menu?

Not even two weeks in La Paz, and I’m already starting to feel like a native. OK, so that’s a slight lie. There are many things that I don’t and never will understand here, and the fact that most of the time I and my fellow interns are the only non-Bolivians in a place can […]

My first cake with altitude!

Sorry for the bad pun. I was going to make an excuse, but I can’t actually think of an acceptable one, so I won’t bother. So, my first Friday in La Paz! It already feels like I’ve been here a lot longer, and not just cause I’ve been to the Plaza Avaroa a good dozen […]

A farewell to Paris

And so it comes to an end. One final day of ticking off the last few things on the list I made on the train to Portsmouth back in June, a fit of giggles at ‘Last Christmas’ in a French cookware shop and enough dodging gormless tourists and awkward Parisians to qualify for the next […]

Ten unexpected food experiences in Paris

So, we all know about croissants, baguettes and Camembert, but if we’re honest, it’s far more exciting and interesting when we have slightly unexpected encounters with food: something we didn’t expect to find, or, at least, not where we found it… 10. The Cuban stall at the Christmas market at La Défense. A combination of […]