Two regions, alike in dignity. And united only in their hatred of one another.

When I moved to the south of England five years ago, I didn’t realise that it would soon become my mission not just to defend my homeland but to repeatedly explain exactly where it is. I hadn’t thought about the fact that the British voting map divides as much by the north-south line as our […]

The Ordinary Bus

I think there’s something weird hardwired in us that although we live in one, actually quite mundane, familiar, safe and comfortable place, the concept of travel (and especially travel to places that are markedly different from our home-place) is this kind of magical, mystical, otherworldly thing. Not when we’re actually undertaking it, of course, but […]

Cultural Confusion in Cusco (or, 10 things that aren’t quite Peruvian)

10. The Peace Boat(s). We saw them wandering around Machu Picchu first, hundreds (or at least, it felt like it) of Japanese tourists, all in white gloves, oversized sunglasses and broad brimmed hats, and with a brightly coloured sticker on their chest with a picture of a cruise ship and the words ‘Peace Boat’. Their […]

Ten weird things that happened in Chile

So, here’s the thing. I am and always have been a little bit scared of random patriotism. I blame my dad, since when we used to watch sports on TV, he’d make me root for the athlete/ team from the country I’d never heard of, and we’d desperately hope that Britain would drop the baton, […]

Ten unexpected food experiences in Paris

So, we all know about croissants, baguettes and Camembert, but if we’re honest, it’s far more exciting and interesting when we have slightly unexpected encounters with food: something we didn’t expect to find, or, at least, not where we found it… 10. The Cuban stall at the Christmas market at La Défense. A combination of […]

Just another Paris lunchtime

The silence is heavy, dusty, the stillness of a room neither intended for nor accustomed to being empty, silent. She is waiting for noon, waiting for the bang of the door and the cheery voice that will call out a greeting. As punctual as the church clock back in her hometown, he has become part […]