20 things that happen on buses in Peru

I know, 20 seems a lot, doesn’t it? But the thing is, I’ve spent a lot of time on buses here. Of the last 48 hours, over 30 involved me sat on a bus (I know, I know: when I told the woman at the travel agency that I’ve arranged my time here in Huancayo […]

Ten things that happen when you go to a show in Peru

I know, I know… It’s been a while, so long that I’m now in a different country… But I blame South American internet, and too much time exploring and eating cake to write about it. Anyway, I’m back (at least for now!) and here with yet more observations of the oddities of life. You see, […]

Ten crazy things about Carnaval: Bolivian style!

In the UK, about the craziest we get in the run-up to Lent is a few pancakes with a bit of lemon, sugar, Nutella or, if you’re my mother, salt (weirdy Lithuanian!). And then we get on with moaning about the sudden appearance of Easter bunnies and cream eggs for about six weeks. But not […]

Ten weird things that happened in Chile

So, here’s the thing. I am and always have been a little bit scared of random patriotism. I blame my dad, since when we used to watch sports on TV, he’d make me root for the athlete/ team from the country I’d never heard of, and we’d desperately hope that Britain would drop the baton, […]

Ten things you notice at the supermarket in La Paz

This may not sound like the most promising of blog topics. But trust me, everything over here is a little bit crazy, and so going to buy some food can become a bit of an adventure. Especially when you go with certain ingredients in mind… 10. As soon as you walk in the door (or […]

Ten things in La Paz… you notice when out running

I am a runner. My Oxford life is neatly divided up into sessions, circuit training, long runs and team coffee/ gossip meetings. In Paris, I lugged a change of clothes and trainers on a 20km round cycle trip three times a week. Until today, I had not yet run in La Paz. There were many reasons: […]

Ten thing in Paris that have gone all festive

Yep, like most major cities, Paris has figured out that Christmas is definitely a time to go over the top on: tourists love it, shop owners love it, electricity companies love it (well, they love charging for all of those Christmas lights!). Maybe it’s meant to be an antidote to all of the info boards […]

Ten unexpected food experiences in Paris

So, we all know about croissants, baguettes and Camembert, but if we’re honest, it’s far more exciting and interesting when we have slightly unexpected encounters with food: something we didn’t expect to find, or, at least, not where we found it… 10. The Cuban stall at the Christmas market at La Défense. A combination of […]

Ten things in Strasbourg that make it a little bit mad (especially in December…)

Home from my epic weekend practically in Germany, I thought I’d treat you to a bit of a change! 10. Practically everything has bacon in. Or sausages. Or is ‘Choucroute’, which is basically a vegetarian’s nightmare, made up of about twelve kinds of meat heaped onto a mound of cabbage. I mean, in my world […]

Ten things in Paris that are actually the same as in Manchester

This may come as a surprise to those who follow the general belief that Paris is a glamorous city of culture, fashion, effortlessly chic if slightly rude beautiful people, and that Manchester is… well, none of those things. But I am here to point out that you should not be so easily deceived! They’re actually […]